Confidential Waste Services

Protecting personal data has never been so important. The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will apply from 25 May 2018, when it supersedes EU member state implementations of the 1995 Data Protection Directive (DPD). The UK Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) will be superseded by a new DPA that enacts the GDPR’s requirements.

The new law marks a wide-reaching and significant shift in the way that organisations must protect personal data.

It grants data subjects a number of new rights, including the right to judicial remedy against organisations that have infringed their rights, and requires organisations to adopt “appropriate technical and organisational measures” to protect personal data. It also introduces mandatory data breach reporting.

Many companies are finding their names in the headlines as a result of breaches in data protection; this means that when it comes to disposing of sensitive information, it is imperative that it doesn’t end up in the wrong hands.

Melton Waste & Recycling provide a collection and destruction solution by accepting your documents in a range of suitable containers from boxes to bags and providing you with a full waste audit to ensure safe and secure transfer.

Whether you’re dealing with employee payroll, customer payment details, or any other kind of personal data,  being able to demonstrate that you have disposed of it securely is imperative, as not doing so could result in a large fines.

Countdown to the GDPR

For more information, please get in touch today to see how we can help you with your confidential waste disposal.