Recycling Services in Melton
Recycling is very important as waste has a huge negative impact on the natural environment. Harmful chemicals and greenhouse gasses are released from rubbish in landfill sites. Recycling helps to reduce the pollution caused by waste. Habitat destruction and global warming are some the effects caused by deforestation.
Our Recycling Services
We offer trade waste collections, card and paper recycling, glass recycling, plastic recycling, weee waste disposal, clinical waste incineration, liquid waste disposal and confidential waste incineration.
At Melton Waste and Recycling we are working hard to reduce the amount of recyclable materials we send to landfill. By offering a significant reduction in their cost for disposal, we are able to encourage the segregation of these materials at source, which then eliminates the need to process the various different waste streams prior to their disposal.
Melton Mowbray Recyling
We are currently the main contractor for the Melton Mowbray Business Improvement District scheme (Melton Mowbray BID scheme) to collect and recycle commingled trade waste recyclables from local business within the town centre area. This scheme alone diverts and prevents 300 tonnes per year of recyclable materials from landfill thus reducing our carbon footprint and helping to sustain our environment.
The scheme operates all year and is collected weekly on a Wednesday, where we offer a bin or bag service. Please contact Shelagh Core at if you would like more details on how the BID Scheme can benefit you and your business.
For more information on the various waste streams currently available for recycling please visit our ‘What can I recycle’ page.
Get a recycling quote
If you would like more information on how we can help your Melton Mowbray business with waste management and recycling, then give us a call on 01664 500999 today or get in touch via the contact us page.