Small business recycling tips

Small business recycling tips

Small businesses can play a significant role in reducing waste and protecting the environment through recycling. Recycling is not only beneficial for the environment but can also help businesses save money on waste disposal fees. Here are our top small business recycling tips.

1. Conduct a waste audit

Conducting a waste audit is the first step in developing a recycling program. This process involves identifying the types of waste your business produces, the amount of waste generated, and the recycling opportunities available. You can then develop a recycling plan that suits the needs of your business.

2. Set up recycling bins

Set up recycling bins in convenient locations throughout your business such as in break rooms, copy rooms, and near desks. Make sure to label the bins clearly to avoid confusion, and ensure that they are emptied regularly.

3. Reduce paper waste

Paper waste is a significant contributor to the amount of waste generated by businesses. Encourage your employees to print only when necessary, print double-sided, and use digital documents and email instead of paper. You can also use paper products made from recycled materials.

4. Use reusable products

Using reusable products such as mugs, plates, and utensils in your break room instead of disposable ones can significantly reduce waste. Encourage your employees to bring their reusable water bottles and coffee cups to work.

5. Donate or recycle electronics

Electronic waste is a growing concern for businesses. Donate or recycle electronics such as computers, printers, and cell phones instead of throwing them away. Many organisations collect and recycle electronics, and some even offer incentives for doing so. Keeping these devices out of landfill is a high impact activity due to the carbon cost of producing them, and the difficulty of recycling the components.

laptop recycling

6. Use eco-friendly products

Using eco-friendly products such as recycled paper and biodegradable cleaning products can reduce waste and minimize the impact on the environment. Watch out for greenwashing though – your local zero waste shop might offer better products than supermarkets, with less plastic involved too.

7. Buy products made from recycled materials

Purchasing products made from recycled materials such as paper, cardboard, and plastic can help create a demand for recycled materials and reduce waste. Again, your local zero waste shop might offer better products than supermarkets with less plastic involved too.

8. Educate your employees

Educate your employees about the importance of recycling and provide training on how to properly recycle. Encourage them to take ownership of the recycling program and to suggest ways to improve it.

9. Work with a recycling company

Working with a local recycling company can ensure that your materials are properly disposed of and recycled. Many recycling companies offer pick-up services, making it easier for businesses to recycle.


In conclusion, implementing a recycling program can benefit both the environment and your business. By following these small business recycling tips, you can reduce waste, save money, and contribute to a cleaner, healthier planet.

If you would like more information about our business recycling services in Leicestershire, and how we can be of service to you, please contact us today!